Uplift Foundation Scholarship Golf Classic

11th Annual Uplift Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament
Stallion Mountain Golf Club
5500 E. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89122
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Shot Gun Start: 8 AM // Scramble Format
Lunch Buffet following the tournament
Only $100 per player (through Oct 22nd), then $125 (Oct 23rd – Nov 4th) includes:
- Green / Cart Fees
- Range Balls
- Tournament Services
- Lunch Buffet
Trophies for the Top Three Finishing Teams
- Closest to Pin
- Longest Drive
- The Dixon Challenge
- Great Raffle Items
We were featured by Golf Las Vegas Now. Here is an excerpt:
“The golf tournament is the major way we raise money for scholarships,” Hodge said. “It’s vitally important. We are so thankful to have the Ronald McDonald House on board. With their help we have given out $15,000 in scholarships to deserving students graduating from Clark County high schools this year and more than $100,000 since we started. And the more money we raise, the more money we can give away. It’s never-ending work, but it’s very fulfilling.”